
Love Letter Time

To my beautiful bloggy friends,

Guess what time it is?

That’s right. Love letter time. 🙂 You know you’ll never get away from all the love hearts now that you’ve found this giant mushy love heart face, so if you’ll be so kind: get your hands ready. Because all the love hearts are on their way.

Here’s the thing:

It’s okay.

Everything will be okay.

There are many reasons for this, but if you’d like me to share a couple I’m happy to pull some little pops of okayness out of my bloggy hat to reassure you that we do, indeed, still totally have this shindig called life.

Chocolate will always be there.

Ice-cream, too, if you like it.

Music. Dance. Art.

Cold Pizza.

And most importantly, all the mushy ‘Brooke love hearts’. They will always and absolutely be there. Through good times. And bad times. And omg I just ran out of ice-cream times.

Always these love hearts will be here for you to visit, to remind you that— no matter how much it feels like you’re flailing around in a sea of what on earth is this life?— you’ve totally got this.

I mean it, guys.

You’ve got this.

And so if there is a pain or more in parts of your world, I feel you, and I’m with you.

Know that you are not broken. Know that you are human, and lovely, and no matter what today might have looked like for you: tomorrow will be better. I don’t know how I know, I just know.

Tell your inner critic that ‘Brooke said to go away, please, thank you.’

Take your Teddy Bear to bed— I don’t care what anyone says: you’re never too old for anything, especially not for soft, fluffy, lovely.

Be whoever, and whatever, you need to be in this moment until you need to be someone or something new.

So yeah.

All that. 🙂

So much love, from your resident internet mush face.

xx Brooke

dog garden pet
Photo by JÉSHOOTS on


By brookecutler2

Liver of life, lover of everything. 💕

2 replies on “Love Letter Time”

Love hearts! Yay! No one can go through life without some bits of love every now and then. Life may get tough, but that beautiful ephemeral feeling of love will always be beautiful. Confetti hearts! So…many…hearts…

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