About Brooke

Hello and welcome to my little home among the webs! I hope this can be a place for you to come and find a smile, as well as some little tidbits on books and writing, or theatre and acting, poetry or rambling—whatever it is that I happen to sprinkle through the pages of this site.

Let’s begin with a bit about me. I was an only child for the first ten years of my life. When I wasn’t propped up in bed inhaling book after book of the Saddle Club, I was sitting crossed legged in front of my dolls house, dreaming up lives for the little family of Sylvanians that lived there. Those tiny figurines, bears and rabbits mostly, relied on me to make their world beautiful. And so I did. I gave them names. I gave them hobbies and loves and heartaches and voices. I became them. I gave them my time, and they gave me hours of joy and a lifetime of happy memories. I didn’t know it then, but those play filled days were the start of my journey into the world of the arts.

Through my late teens/early twenties I did a lot of acting on the amateur stage. I started a Drama degree in my mid-twenties because I decided I needed to do something with my life that I loved. I loved learning all things theatre, but the great surprise for me over my three years at university was that I also fell in love with creative writing. As a creative arts student, I had access to some of the best writing units—and teachers— the university had to offer. I chose them all. I loved them all. Writing fiction, I found, took me back to that magical other place, where ‘little girl’ me had played so happily among the Sylvanians and their giant dolls house. And so it was here, in the wonderful world of books and writing, that I belonged.

After I’d achieved my Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama), with a minor in writing, it was time for my Masters of Arts (Writing). During the time I was studying for my Masters, I gathered a bunch of words and built a small stable of short stories; my husband and I made two beautiful babies; I wrote some more short stories.

And here I am today. Navigating a beautiful new period of spiritual transformation, getting to know who I am, and why I am here on this great big twirling planet of ours.

So, that’s me. 🙂 Whoever you are, whatever your story: you are so very welcome to join me wherever I go within this virtual home of mine. I dearly hope you find something nice here in this place.


xx Brooke