
I am I

The swell of a new wave approaches and how beautiful it feels, rising in my chest.

I see you, world, and I tell you: I need not change, though I do baffle you so.

I need not shift to suit your understanding of reality.

I am I. Not a broken shard of perfect life.

I hear them speak labels.

Labels I am beyond.

I see their eyes of confusion; confusion arises only upon expectations unmet.

Expect nothing of me and I shall be the rainbow of life I am here to be.

Expect of me a lie and I must decline.

For I am only I.

I see as only I see.

Photo by Yuliya Kosolapova on


Do not try to wrap me

with your perfect edges.

Boxes are not for me,

the wind,

the stars that burst

through time,

through space,

through you.

I am all.

Do not limit me

with your unknowing.


As You Are

There is no need to be fearful

of the ‘not enough’.

Of the

too different to fit in,

to be chosen.

You are who you are,

and you will rise as you will rise.

Take care

and wander with head held high.

As you are.

To become



and again.



There she was.

She had always been there

beneath the rubble of crumbling


How sweetly the sun did shine

upon her remembrance.

Welcome home xx

As I Am

And I will quietly be

as I am.

Yes, I will quietly be.



The word sipping is very pretty, isn’t it? Delicate, like the action it shows. I can see a small pair of hands, a little tea cup beside a little light. And I know it is home.

I know it is me.

I’m sipping chamomile tea and wishing to be held like this more often. Wishing to be seen in the softness, wishing to share it and have others agree it is a beautiful softness we feel.

Tea is like that. Delicate, like the first breeze of spring, like the bunnies that graze by the river, in the evening. It sounds like a fairy tale, doesn’t it? An unreal imagining, only it’s true.

And so, so beautiful as the delicate rolls all around me.

I have been struggling more than usual over the past few months. Missing the beautiful flow I found a while back, and yet also feeling the embers of momentum begin to burn within me once more.

I wake each morning at 6 and I meditate, followed by yoga if I can fit it in. This is holding myself and my family as best as I can, with love.

I’m proud of myself for giving myself and my family these gifts.

If only a beautiful sun would light the rest of my world, so I could see clearly the path ahead. I forget myself so easily. What I love. Who I am. Each step is as sure as it should be. Why is it I continue to search for relief on the horizon?

I am home.

Let me stay here.

Let me fall into this beautiful sweet depth, forever.


Stop. Imagine.



There is a human here and a human there.

Both are different, vastly so.

Human number one feels okay being bombarded with a box full of emails. He tackles them, one by one, and then he continues on to more busy things. He flies to the top of the work chain. He never rests. Not even when he’s sick. Successful. They say.

(Nobody can figure out why success looks like that.)

Human number two feels overwhelmed by emails and noise, so instead he chooses to paint. Beside the trees. He struggles with focus, but he needs to struggle with focus, because if he focused he’d lose his flow. His authentic flow. The thing within him that changes the lives of others in profoundly beautiful ways.

(Nobody can understand him. Nobody can figure out why he’s broken like that.)

He feels ashamed. He has a choice. He takes medication so he can be more like the first guy. Everybody breathes a sigh of relief.

He slowly dies inside.

And so does everyone around him because

where are all the beautiful things?



All toxic cultures die.

Everybody is happy, being the person they were always meant to be.


The end.

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on

Sadness in The Corner

There is sadness in the corner.

A beautiful sadness that calls to me, many a day, and I can’t help but follow. I can’t help but wonder why.

When life is ever so dear, and joy is found sweetly in the eyes of the ones I love, why is the sadness in the corner? When the rest of the room is flooded with colour; the corner.

Why is it aching, why is it grey?

Whole and beautiful life is here,

but the corner.

Why is there sadness in the corner?

Photo by Vadim B on


Shall I be sensible

a moment?

Oh, dying to live,

dear dreary day.

Let you find me

twisted beautifully

among the berry vines.

Let you be the one

to be sensible.



But I am the wind.

And my soul is alone

as it blows through the jars

of neat and tidy life.

Oh, the aching.

For, home floats free;

I will never be bound.

Can you not see?

I will never be bound.

And my heart cries,


My heart cries.


Photo by Jeswin Thomas on