

My being in life feels slower. Gentler, and yet I’m sure this too shall pass, as all of life does.

I just read an old blog post, from 2019. The words were mine, written with my hands, dictated by my mind. And yet none of it felt real. It felt like a run away train of energy, and though it was my energy…this current version of me wanted to capture it. To slow it down. To calm it.

How strange life is.

I came here needing to write something, but I wasn’t sure what.

Now I understand.

I came here not to write but to feel. To notice.

To notice the change in me.

To feel the way my words want to linger in the air, rather than race full speed ahead.

These words, this energy wishes for authentic flow.

Here it is.

Here I am.

Photo by Sebastian Arie Voortman on

By brookecutler2

Liver of life, lover of everything. đź’•

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