Twelve Days of Christmas

Couch Chat

On the seventh day of Christmas

the sun came

and then it went.

In between the coming and going of the sun

lots of love happened.

Lots of smiles.

A couple of sad thoughts.

Hardly any cranky ones— hells yes. (Don’t ya love those days?)


Life happened and it was really pretty great.

The thing is—

I’m so super snoozy. (Sleepy sigh smile.)

So super snoozy I can’t think of anything overly brilliant to write.

Tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow I’ll write something AMAZING. (She says, grinning at the cheek she hopes she’ll be forgiven for)

Night night, gang.

You guys are awesome.

Thanks for popping by for a bit of a couch chat.

xx Brooke (Couch chat legend from way back.)

photo of dog sitting on couch
Photo by on

By brookecutler2

Liver of life, lover of everything. 💕

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