
Winter Is Coming

We’re heading into winter in Australia, and I’m feeling the resistance rising already.

I’ve come to dread winter for the internal obstacles it brings. Sunny days charge my batteries and fill my joy pots to a state of ‘just so’, and yet here comes winter to tear my joy pots apart once more.

The problem lies not only in the darkness that will inevitably replace the beautiful streams of sunlight that flood my lounge room, daily, but also the lack of choice that will come attached to the forthcoming rainy days. So, kids. I guess it’s a stay inside again, kind of day, today. That sort of thing.

My children are three and six years old. And I have been in training to be their Mum my whole life because, essentially, I’ve done it all before, being the much older sibling to my  two brothers and sister (now adults, where does time go? I’ll always be amazed.)

The thing is: winter makes me feel as though I might not be as wonderful at this ‘Mum thing’ as I always dreamed I’d be. Winter melts me into a bit of a tizz, to put it lightly, because the truth is: there are only so many hours of yes in my Mum tank to keep these little ones (and myself) happy in the face of a rainy day.

And so I’m really quite frightened at what’s to come. Especially this winter, now that I don’t have a partner in crime to lighten the load every second week when the children are with me.

The bright side of this admission is this— I am doing an excellent job at being human. I am seeing the reality of my limitations and admit that I just may need a little bit of extra help this time around.

I’m tired. I’m so tired of lying to myself, pretending that the things, situations, people, scenarios that I’m not entirely okay with…are all sunshine and rainbows. They are not. Dark clouds have existed since the beginning of time. They do not disappear simply because I insist upon looking to the sky and telling everyone around me that they are white.

I wish I wasn’t dreading winter. I wish I wasn’t sometimes afraid that I might break my children—the latter is something I am particularly scared of. My Mum was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder in my early teenage years, and I am still trying to pick up all the pieces of her broken within me.

I do know I will be okay, and I do know my beautiful babies will be okay, too. I am a beautiful Mother (if I don’t say so myself) and I don’t need a sunny day to tell me the love I bring to my babies’ lives is filling their spirits with all the lovely things.

Winter is the mountain that lay ahead of me. But this awareness is, at least, a good thing because it gives me time to gather my climbing tools and prepare for the climb. Life can be so hard, sometimes, but there has never been a day of it that has not been worth the struggle.

Because I am me, and I am Mum.

How beautiful to be able to hold those titles with such love, and pride, and grace.

photo of mother and child
Photo by Jennifer Murray on




There is a little boy in this world who began his life within my body.

He turned six today.

I often think of the way his slippery little body looked as it squiggled into the world at my feet. Those are the times I go to his little mop of hair and whisper: I love you. My goodness, I love you, little man. 

Sometimes I hope that I don’t break him with my jagged edges; my angry moments, my sad moments, my imperfect human moments—the ones I can’t hide no matter how hard I try. And he is six, so I hear all about the moments.

But none of them really matter because: love.

Mine for him, his for me.

My baby.

He is six, today.

My baby blue-eyed boy is six.

close up of girl writing
Photo by Pixabay on





A Blog a Day in May


And then her name was Mum.

Just like that.

Happy Mothers day,

beautiful, Mum.

I see you.

And you are all the bits of magic.

Lots of love,

Brooke. xxx (Aka: Mum.)

animals baby care faces
Photo by Nandhu Kumar on
Twelve Days of Christmas

The Twelfth Day of Christmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas, her sleeping babes warmed her heart from their beds.

What joy might tomorrow bring for them, she wondered, remembering the magic of being a child on Christmas eve.

She remembered lying in bed, listening to the lullaby of her heart, hoping and wishing to meet the morning sooner.

She remembered such lovely things—

and she smiled.

Because on the twelfth day of Christmas, the girl became a woman in love with the dream all over again.

But this time the dream was for her sleeping babes.

Sleep tight, my little ones.

Sweet dreams, until the morning finds you.

celebration christmas cup dogs
Photo by Pixabay on


Ps. Thank you so much for coming on this heart-filled journey with me, these past twelve days. Merry days to you all, my lovely friends. Here’s hoping the magic of the season finds you and chases you well into the new year.

xx Brooke



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The Darling Blog Of May

Darling Day 13. Happy Mothers Day

To all the darling Mothers out there.

To all the darling daughters.

And all the darling sons.

Happy Mothers day.

Love, Brooke. xx



The darling blog of May

The Darling Blog Of May

Darling Day 10. The Big Surprise

It’s days like today that I’m so glad this little blog of mine is an everything blog.

Because I have a story to tell. An every-day kind of story.

A story about a darling little boy, and a darling surprise.

A darling surprise…for me!


So. Here goes it.

Kinder pick up time arrived and off I went—toddler on hip— to collect the darling boy I call Son from his beloved: Kinder.

It’s always the most beautiful part of my day; wandering in to see his little legs twisted around themselves as he waits patiently on the mat. For me. Mum. The one that deals out the snuggles and the smooches.

The one who calls him darling.

But the real darling of this story is this.


Flowers for Mothers day on Sunday…

Which I had totally forgotten about.

Darling moment.

Darling surprise.


The darling blog of May