
Healing Pieces

They were tears like rain. The sort of rain that brings your soul to life as you feel it hard and cold on your skin. Refreshing. Beautiful and nourishing, were those plentiful tears of mine.

I was meditating. It was early afternoon and the baby was sleeping. I’d set the intention to heal my heart, and to clear whatever stuck energy might be blocking me from achieving my highest purpose in life.

I still don’t know what the exact blockages were/are.

But I know that by the end of the meditation, I understood why several of the most heartbreaking things that have happened in my life had to happen. And that they had to happen so that not only I would grow in love, but also, so that others might grow in love, too.

Isn’t that the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard? Firstly that this sort of divine intelligence lies within the very skin we wear. But also, that even the bad things in life serve their specific purposes for the good of universal evolution.

Of course, I could have been making it all up.

Of course I could have been.

But the tears that smashed down my neck and the knowing smile that lit my whole being told me otherwise.

We are a tapestry. Not one of us leaves the quilt without touching another.

Photo by Bayu jefri on